Saturday, December 12, 2009

Stupid Black Pants

So, for 2 days in a row I have venture out into the retail world in search of black slacks for Tyler's upcoming band concert. The teacher sent home a letter stating that black jeans and black tennis shoes would not be tolerated... okay, maybe she didn't use the word tolerated but you catch my drift.
Anyway, there I am in the men's department holding up pants and trying to figure out which ones will fit. I am going back and forth between the 29's and the 30's and becoming quite frazzled while I stand there. So I throw a pair in the cart and off I go.
Well, you guessed it, I came home with the wrong size! TWICE!!! You see this was the second trip out. On my first trip I purchased the largest size in the boy's department and my 12 year old couldn't get them buttoned!!!
I have to admit though, shopping for the wrong size alone is so much better then shopping with 3 children who want everything and will no longer accept my, "put it on your Christmas list" line!
The most unfortunate part of all of this was the look in Tyler's eyes as he stood in the kitchen, trying desperatly to suck it in and convince me that they fit! I truly thought he was going to cry, not because I have to return them, but because he doesn't get to come with me when I do!!

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